Back pain affects most people at some time in life, but for some it becomes a recurrent or persistent problem which significantly impacts their quality of life – people often say that they don’t appreciate how many things their back plays a part in until it can’t do it’s job anymore! When back pain occurs, it can be hard to know what to do (or not to do) for the best- for most people good advice is to keep moving and not rest too much, but in practice that can look different from one person to the next.
Our approach is to take the time to listen so we can understand not only what is going on with your back, but why the problem has arisen and what impact it is having on your life. In this way we can make sure that as well as using effective hands-on treatment to provide pain relief, we can work with you to help you get back to those activities you love (from gardening and playing with the grandchildren to ultramarathons or competitive weightlifting, and everything in between!) – and importantly help you develop strategies to reduce the chance of the problem recurring, so you don’t have to rely on frequent treatment sessions.
If you feel that previous treatment approaches have been limited to short term pain relief without getting to the root of the issue, and you want to find a long-term solution to regain confidence in your movement, we would love to hear from you and chat through how our approach can help you.